Sunday, April 28, 2013

Solar Energy Workshops in Chennai

Workshops 1
  • Solar Greenhouses in Tamil Nadu – Implementation & Challenges
  • Delivering low-cost, high-impact solar solutions that transform lives at the bottom of the pyramid
    • A demo of how the team from Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) went about implementing the ambitious Tamil Nadu CM’s solar greenhouse scheme, for houses and streetlights. This program intends to create 300,000 such homes
    • Use of Smart Power Conditioning Units that charge batteries from the grid only on rainy or cloudy days
    • Technical specifications for solar panels, LED lights and cluster streetlights
    • Innovative use of IT to ensure efficiency of delivery and quality
    • Efficient use of remote monitoring
    • Details of technology & operational challenges faced
    • Innovative concepts designed to overcome challenges
    • Lessons learned and the way forward
Conducted by: The Solar Greenhouses session will be conducted by TEDA along with technical experts from IITs and companies involved in this program.
Workshop 2
  • Solar PV Rooftop Systems – Policies, Technologies, Operational Clarifications
  • This is a pioneering ‘rent-a-roof’ model, where the owner of a roof may rent it out to a project developer who will put up the solar power plant and sell the electricity to the grid. Directed by SECI (Solar Energy Corporation of India), this has the potential to significantly accelerate adoption of large-scale rooftop solar in India.
    What you will learn
    • Details on MNRE’s rooftop scheme – financial incentives to abate diesel consumption
    • International experiences in solar rooftops
    • Perspectives from Developers shortlisted for projects in Chennai
    Whom you will learn from
    The session fill feature expert speakers from
    • Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)
    • GIZ
    • SunEdison
    • Thermax
    • Azure
Conducted by:The workshop will be conducted by an MNRE team led by Dr Ashvini Kumar, Director of both MNRE and SECI.
Workshop 3
  • Solar Purchase Obligations – Concepts & Guidance
  • An in-depth walkthrough on SPO with a focus on Tamil Nadu Solar Policy
    • Concept, Motivation and Reasons for SPO
    • How is the SPO in Tamil Nadu different from SPO in the rest of country?
    • Who are the obligated entities?
    • Avenues to satisfy SPO – details will be provided on all the prominent avenues
      • Generation and consumption through captive rooftop solar power plants
        • Fully owned rooftop power plants
        • Leased rooftop power plants
        • Rooftop power plants under the BOO (Build Own Operate) model
      • Generation and consumption through captive power plants off the premises and power wheeled to premises
      • Consumption through PPAs with third party solar power plants
      • Through purchase of RECs
    • Next steps for satisfying SPO
    • Types of companies providing SPO support
    • Rooftop solar power plants and SPO
    • Private solar power plants and SPO
    • Solar RECs and SPO
Conducted by:The SPO Workshop will be conducted by SunEdison, a global leader in solar PV power plants.
To know more about SPO, read this whitepaper – SPO Overview & Way Forward
Workshop 4
  • Implementing Solar PV Power Plants in India – An Overview
  • Energy Alternatives India is one of India’s foremost consulting and research firms in Solar Energy. Together with business and technical experts, they will conduct a classroom session program that provides inputs and perspectives on the solar PV sector in general and solar PV power plants in specific. Their workshop includes:
    • National and State Solar Policies – Salient features, comparisons, and pros and cons of national (JNNSM) and state (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) solar policies
    • Business models – Examination of various alternatives such as Build Own Operate (BOO), Build Own Transfer (BOT), Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT)
    • Financing – Discussion on bilateral and multilateral financing, project financing, and making your project bankable
    • Land selection – Analysis of critical factors such as proximity to evacuation points
    • Technology choices – Elaboration and analysis of the various technologies available at the inverter level (String vs. Central) and panel level (Thin film vs. Crystalline)
    • Approvals – Discussion on the number and scope of clearances required from various government departments
    • Certifications – Interpreting the certifications, standards, and ratings of various components in your power plant
Choosing an EPC – Factors to consider and examination of liability clauses in contracts
Conducted by:The workshop will be conducted by Energy Alternatives India.
Workshop 5
  • Implementing a Large-scale Rooftop Solar Power Plant
  • L&T’s first grid-connected solar photovoltaic power system in association with Sharp Corporation (Japan) on the rooftop of its buildings at L&T campus in Chennai is the largest such power system in operation since 2009 in India.
    L&T has tried to introduce a number of innovations in this project, including the use of multiple technologies, in both panels and in balance of systems:
      • Trackers
      • BIPV
      • Unique system configuration
    • CdTE Thin film
    • CIGS Thin film
    • Concentrating PV
    • Hybrid PV
    Detailed demo
    The L&T expert team will be providing a one hour demonstration of this pioneering project, comprising the following:
    • The background of the project and how L&T approached it as a pilot project
    • Significance of its tie-up with a world leader (Sharp)
    • Details on the approach to design of this rooftop power plant
    • Obstacles that were faced and how they were overcome
    • Technology test-bed adaptation details
    • Details on their latest extended efforts on micro-grid implementation
Conducted by: A workshop demonstrating the learnings from real-life implementation by L&T.
Workshop 6
  • High Performance MW Scale Grid Connected Power Plants
  • India has about 1200 MW of grid connected utiliity scale solar power plants currently, but will be having orders of magnitude higher scales within the next few years. This workshop will demonstrate the critical parameters for designing and operating high efficiency MW scale SPV power plants
    • Importance of design
    • Parameters to select panels and the BoS (specifically inverters)
    • O&M challenges and solutions to overcome these challenges
    • Availability and Use of SPV Power Plant Monitoring Systems

Interested in attending the workshop?, Talk to Sindhu-8489663663 /
SMS “W13″ to 8489 663 663

WHEN will these workshops be conducted?
The Solar Workshops @ RENERGY 2013 will be conducted on all three days of the event – May 9-11, 2013. The workshops will be conducted on all days post the lunch networking session. Please see the Event Schedule for more details.
Each of the 6 workshop sessions will have a duration of approximately one hour.
WHO will conduct these workshops?
Other than TEDA and EAI, these workshops will be conducted by leading Indian and global solar EPCs, developers and technical consultants. More details on this will follow soon.
WHAT is unique about these workshops?
One, this is the first time a mainstream renewable energy conference comprises so many workshops at one place. Two, instead of one company conducting the workshops, we will have 5-6 different companies conducting the various workshops. Thus, delegates have access to expertise and talent from many companies.
WHERE will the workshops be conducted?
These workshops will be conducted as part of the RENERGY Conference, at the Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai. The workshop will be conducted in the same halls where the rest of the conference sessions are conducted.
HOW can I register for these workshops?
To register for these workshops, talk to Sindhuja 08489663663, send an SMS to her with W13′in text, or send an email to
WHAT is the fee for these workshops?
The workshops are part of the RENERGY 2013 Conference. Anyone who is a delegate for the conference can attend the workshops.
The fee for the conference is Rs 5000 (excluding service tax). The fee includes your admission to workshop and to all the other sessions (networking and expert sessions) at the conference. The fee also includes lunch, tea and coffee for all three days.

Interested in attending the conference? Talk to

Galaxy of experts from the top renewable energy companies

The RENERGY 2013 Conference will have, at one place for three days - a galaxy of experts from the top renewable energy companies.

Over 500 companies in solar, 150 in wind, 85 in energy efficiency, and another 125 in other renewable energy sectors will have their representatives at the conference.

This will be India’s largest and most exciting and productive renewable energy conference. Don’t miss it.
RENERGY 2013 Conference Highlights
  • India’s largest renewable energy conference – 2000 delegates, 250+ experts, 100+ speakers/presenters from top management and government
  • The first renewable energy conference to comprise workshops (10 workshops in all) – to ensure that you get practical inputs on renewable energy
  • The first renewable energy conference to include dedicated, extended networking sessions of 3 hours per day all three days – to enable you to make many relevant contacts
Top government officers @Renergy 2013

Ratan Watal, Tarun Kapoor, Alok Srivastava & Dr Ashvini Kumar (MNRE), Pramod Deo (CERC), Debasish Majumdar (IREDA), K Venugopal (TNERC), Sudeep Jain (TEDA) and more

Top Industry Experts @Renergy 2013

Pashupathy Gopalan (SunEdison), Navratan Kataria (Sterling & Wilson), Kolluru Krishan (MPPL), Dr Barathi (Growmore Biotech), Ravi Bushan Singh (BREL), Atreya Rayaprolu (Intellecap) and more
Unique solar workshops on SPO (solar purchase obligation), rooftop solar, MNRE’s grid connected rooftop scheme

Attached is the program schedule of Renergy 2013. Register online -
Don’t miss RENERGY 2013 for the world, if you are a renewable energy professional or enthusiast.
For more details, talk to Rajasekar - Mob: SMS “r13”

Thanks & Regards
Marketing Support - RENERGY 2013
M: +91-9550568013; E:

6 Solar Workshops, Chennai, May 9-11

Sub: 6 Solar Workshops, Chennai, May 9-11

For the first time ever, a renewable energy conference in India features solar workshops and classroom sessions. And not just one, but six workshop sessions on solar power.
This will be during RENERGY 2013, India’s largest renewable energy conference (with a parallel exhibition), Chennai, May 9-11, 2013. EAI is the marketing partner for this event.
These 6 workshop sessions will cover the following topics
  • Detailed instructions on rooftop solar installations
  • Grid connected, MW scale solar power plant installation details
  • Guidelines for selecting the most suitable EPC for solar power plants
  • About SPO (solar purchase obligations) and avenues to comply with it
  • Details of National Solar Mission and State Policies
  • Opportunities available for entrepreneurs in solar EPC and off-grid products (solar lanterns, streetlights etc)
Each of the session will be for about 90 minutes, and will be conducted by experts and companies that have implemented 100s of MW in India and Europe.
The 6 solar workshops will be held over the three days – May 9, 10 and 11, at the RENERGY 2013 venue – Chennai Trade Centre.
Top Industry Experts @Renergy 2013

Pashupathy Gopalan (SunEdison), Navratan Kataria (Sterling & Wilson), Kolluru Krishan (MPPL), Dr Barathi (Growmore Biotech), Ravi Bushan Singh (BREL), Atreya Rayaprolu (Intellecap) and more

Registering for RENERGY 2013 is all that is required for you to attend these workshops

There could be seating limitations depending on demand. If you are interested, I’d request you to register immediately.

Talk to Sindhu – Or SMS “r13” to Sindhu’s mobile.
Looking forward to meet you at RENERGY2013.

Take Care

Narasimhan Santhanam
Director – EAI & Marketing Support - RENERGY 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

6 Solar Workshops at One Event - Chennai, May 9 -11

Narasimhan Santhanam
Cofounder & Director – EAI & Program Coordinator – RENERGY 2013 ;

Good morning and greetings

I hope you are finding EAI Daily interesting and useful. I just thought I’d share with you details of an interesting solar workshop series EAI is coordinating.

As you will know, EAI is working together along with TEDA (Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency) to bring out the next edition of RENERGY 2013, which will be one of the largest and most productive renewable energy events in the country.

The conference part of the event will be unlike any other renewable energy conference. The unique aspect of the conference will be the solar power workshops held on all days of the 3 day conference. In all, there will be six solar power workshops, each for about 1.5 hours. Together, these will provide practical inputs and guidance on the following aspects of solar power:
  1. Rooftop solar
  2. Grid connected solar power plants
  3. Choosing the right EPCs
  4. SPO – concepts and way forward
  5. Opportunities for small and medium businesses in solar power
  6. Details of the various state solar policies and their implications to companies, businesses and entrepreneurs
These workshops will be conducted by companies that have had many years and 100s of MWs of implementation expertise in solar PV power plants. EAI, with its partners, will also be conducting a special session providing detailed inputs on the business and commercial aspects of solar power plants.

I am confident that these workshops will be of immense use to anyone connected with the Indian solar power sector.

Should you be interested in registering for these workshops (which just requires a registration for RENERGY Conference), talk to Sindhu – or SMS “RE13” to Sindhu.
The three day workshop series (along with the rest of the RENERGY 2013 conference & networking sessions) cost just Rs 5000.

More details about RENERGY 2013 conference from 
I look forward to your presence at these workshops.

Narasimhan Santhanam
Cofounder & Director – EAI & Program Coordinator – RENERGY 2013 ;

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Funding available for Solar Power Projects


If you are looking for funding for setting your own solar power project,

The first step is you have to register a company to conduct the business of Solar Power generation and sale of power.

To apply for funding the important documents you need to have is Proof of Land Ownership, DPR, PPA and Company incorporation certificate.

Then after incorporation of a company you need to have bank account in the company name and you have to have 10% of the project cost in your company account and get letter from bank for proof of funds available.

After you provide to me all these documents, I will be in position to take up your case with EXIM Bank of USA for funding.

I am pleased to inform you that I am in position to arrange funding for setting up Solar Power Project from EXIM Bank (USA).

The EXIM Bank USA, provides loans for international buyers of U.S. goods and services with no limits on transaction size.

The interest rate range from 1.40 % to 3.18 % per year - depending on the duration of the loan.

Further they offer a 100% financing for the goods purchased from USA and up to 30 % of local (India) costs in addition to the U.S. Exports.

To start the process of getting funding we would offer you our services for a retainer / consultant.

You have give us letter on your company letter head and signed by authorized signatory, stating that you are appointing us your consultant for the Solar Power Project that you are setting up..

We will start immediately after we receive the consultancy appointment letter.

I am pleased to inform you that we offer end to end solution / services required for setting up and operating of the solar power project .

We are offering all these services like

1) Arranging funding for setting up Solar Power Project from sources like EXIM Bank of USA.

2) EPC Services

3) PPA Signing

4) Power Trading

5) Operation and maintenance We have innovative proposal to ensure that the solar power project investor / owner earns max possible ROI and reduce the risk to min level.

At present I am in Bangalore to set up office in Bangalore and execute projects.

My contact details are,

Name: Madhav Chowdhary

Mobile: 91-9623557207

Name of company: SWEE Technologies

State: Maharashtra

Pin: 411030

Country: India

In case if you need additional information or clarification please feel free to ask for the same.

Please let me know how you want to proceed.

Looking forward

Thanking you

With Regards

Madhav Chowdhary


SWEE Technologies

Pune (India)

Mobile: 91-9623557207

Germany’s solar-power success: Too much of a good thing?

It’s been a long, dark winter in Germany. In fact, there hasn’t been this little sun since people started tracking such things back in the early 1950s. A few days before Easter, the streets of Berlin were still covered in ice and snow. But spring will come, and when the snow finally melts, it will reveal the glossy black sheen of photovoltaic solar panels glinting from the North Sea to the Bavarian Alps.
Solar panels on a German house.
Tim Fuller
Solar panels on a German house.
It’s been a long, dark winter in

Solar panels line Germany’s residential rooftops and top its low-slung barns. They sprout in orderly rows along train tracks and cover hills of coal mine tailings in what used to be East Germany. Old Soviet military bases, too polluted to use for anything else, have been turned into solar installations.
Twenty-two percent of Germany’s power is generated with renewables. Solar provides close to a quarter of that. The southern German state of Bavaria, population 12.5 million, has three photovoltaic panels per resident, which adds up to more installed solar capacity than in the entire United States.
With a long history of coal mining and heavy industry and the aforementioned winter gloom, Germany is not the country you’d naturally think of as a solar power. And yet a combination of canny regulation and widespread public support for renewables has made Germany an unlikely leader in the global green-power movement — and created a groundswell of small-scale power generation that could upend the dominance of traditional power companies.
Twenty years ago, it was clear solar power wasn’t going to get anywhere by itself. Photovoltaic panels were expensive and inefficient. Even solar systems designed to heat water, a far less technologically tricky task, were bad buys on the open market. Producing electricity from sunlight costs 10 times more than generating power using coal or nuclear energy. “The early systems might as well have been made out of gold,” says David Wedepohl, a spokesman for Germany’s Solar Industry Association.
In 1991, German politicians from across the political spectrum quietly passed the Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz (renewable energy law), or EEG. It was a little-heralded measure with long-lasting consequences.
The law guaranteed small hydroelectric power generators — mostly in Bavaria, a politically conservative area I like to think of as the Texas of Germany — a market for their electricity. The EEG required utility companies to plug all renewable power producers, down to the smallest rooftop solar panel, into the national grid and buy their power at a fixed, slightly above-market rate that guaranteed a modest return over the long term. The prices were supposed to balance out the hidden costs of conventional power, from pollution to decades of coal subsidies.
Investors began to approach solar and wind power as long-term investments, knowing there was a guaranteed future for renewable energy and a commitment to connecting it to the grid. Paperwork for renewables was streamlined — a big move in bureaucracy-loving Germany. The country invested billions in renewables research in the 1990s, and German reunification meant lots of money for energy development projects in the former East.
Now German companies lead the world in solar research and technology. The handful of companies that make inverters, the devices that reverse the flow of electricity and feed power from rooftop solar panels back into national grids, are almost all German. On a sunny day last May, Germany produced 22 gigawatts of energy from the sun — half of the world’s total and the equivalent of 20 nuclear power plants.
The “feed-in” laws and subsidies pushed innovation to the point where solar panels are cheap enough to compete on the open market in Germany and elsewhere. The price for solar panels has fallen 66 percent since 2006, and the cost of solar-generated power may becompetitive with coal in a few years, according to a study by UBS. Already, solar projects are thriving in places like India and Italy despite a lack of government subsidies or support, and a recent Deutsche Bank report predicted “grid parity” in Bavaria by next year.
You might think Germany would be smug about all its solar success. But, as usual, folks here are full of doubts. Part of the reason solar panels are getting cheaper is competition from China, which isthreatening to push more expensive German producers out of business. Last year, German conservatives tried to end solar subsidies entirely, arguing that plummeting prices were encouraging too many people to install solar panels. They said that the subsidies come at the expense of city dwellers without solar-ready roofs, low-income electricity consumers, and investments in other forms of renewable energy. Even environmentalists have begun to grumble about the solar boom, which sucks up half of Germany’s funding for renewables but provides just 20 percent of green power.
The proliferation of privately owned solar has large power companies in Germany worried. For two decades, they’ve been forced to facilitate and finance their competition, helping turn customers into producers. Soon, rooftop solar and other small-scale, locally owned renewables could upset the market for coal and nuclear power.
Here’s why that’s a problem: Renewable energy sources like wind and solar generate power intermittently, dependent on the sun or fickle breezes. Until researchers can find a way to store energy at a large scale, coal and nuclear plants — which can’t simply be switched on and off at will — must be kept running to guarantee a steady stream of electricity when the sun isn’t shining.
That means overproduction of power during daylight hours, as the country’s ample solar energy floods onto the grid along with electricity produced by power plants. Power companies traditionally charge more during the day, when offices are full and manufacturing plants are in full swing, so the glut of daytime solar power reduces their profit. The proliferation of solar panels on homes also takes high-margin residential customers off the grid at peak hours. And the energy surplus has driven prices for traditional coal and nuclear power down, even as renewables are still guaranteed more-than-competitive rates. As power companies try to pass the costs to consumers in the form of higher bills, that just encourages more people to put solar panels on their roofs.
Already, Germany’s power companies are closing power plants and scrapping plans for new ones. Germany had a national freak-out after the Fukushima disaster and decided to abolish nuclear power by 2023. Meanwhile, energy prices continue to sink, and solar installation continues to grow. By decentralizing power generation, the renewables boom could do to the power industry what the internet did to the media: put power in the hands of the little guy, and force power companies to rethink how they do business. As soon as the sun comes out, that is.